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The average daytime brightness is 5000nit. The ClearLED transparent LED display is a minimum of 6000nit. This means that even in direct sunlight, the ClearLED display will be visible.
Pixel pitch indicates the space between each light, e.g., P5 means 5mm between each LED, so the higher the pixel pitch (i.e., the bigger the gap between LEDs), the more transparent the LED screen is. However, there are two other factors to consider when determining the right transparent LED display for your application: the resolution of the displaying content and the most frequent viewing distance of your display. If viewing is typically from a distance, then P10 will provide adequate resolution and the maximum transparency (~68%). For close up viewing, the P5 will provide the highest resolution and ~75% transparency. P8 is a middle ground option that covers distant and close up viewing of your ClearLED display sign.
The resolution of a transparent LED display is calculated using the pixel pitch and dimensions of the display. Pixel pitch indicates the space between each light, e.g., P5 means 5mm between each LED. If your display is 960mm x 400mm, calculate the resolution as follows: 960/5 and 400/5 = the resolution.
Our head office is based in West Palm Beach, FLorida, and we are ready to provide technical support to help with the installation and maintenance of your LED display. You can reach us at +1 800 599-7773 | 561-247-5873 or
No. The software used to program your LED displays is PC based only.
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